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Global leader in solid-state battery industrialization
The 5th Lithium Battery Technology and Industry Development Forum was successfully held
Release time:2022-07-19 View volume:

On July 16th, the 5th Lithium Battery Technology and Industry Development Forum, hosted by the Kunshan Development Zone Management Committee and organized by the Kunshan Development Zone Science and Technology Bureau, Suzhou Qingtao New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and the Industrial Innovation and Development Committee of the Kunshan Municipal Committee of the People's Republic of China, was held in Kunshan. The New Battery and New Energy Composite Materials Branch of the China Composite Materials Society provided full guidance.

Experts, scholars, business elites, and investment experts attending the conference focused on the technology and industrial development of new energy vehicles and power batteries, and conducted in-depth discussions on innovative technologies for batteries, application needs for new energy vehicles and energy storage, as well as entrepreneurial investment opportunities. Together, they discussed the future of the lithium battery industry and promoted the coordinated development of industry, academia, research, and investment.

Nan Cewen, an academician of the CAS Member, an academician of the Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries, a professor of Tsinghua University, Cheng Huiming, an academician of the CAS Member, an academician of the Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries, and an honorary president of the School of Materials of Shenzhen University of Technology (preparatory), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Liyan, deputy secretary and mayor of Kunshan City, Xu Minzhong, member of the Standing Committee of Kunshan City Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Kunshan Development Zone, Hu Jian, member of the Standing Committee and vice mayor of Kunshan City Committee, Wang Fan, deputy secretary general of the China Energy Research Association and director of the Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Center, Qin Shanshan, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Kunshan Development Zone, and.